Detailed calculation allows you to perform extensive and individual calculations for all of your needs.
All standard values are copied automatically from speed cost calculation to detailed calculation. These standard parameters can be changed in accordance with the state of your knowledge.
The price of materials, purchased parts and hourly rates are up to date and listed in detailed calculation.
A: Price of materials
Standard materials and their prices have already been preselected. These can be adapted to company-specific standards.
B: Purchased parts
Standard purchased parts are registered with assembly times, which can also be adapted in accordance with company-specific standards.
Additional entry fields are available for individual purchased parts.
C: Hourly rates
The hourly rates are subdivided in all disciplines (CAD/CAM, milling, eroding, workbench jobs etc.).
8 hourly rate sets are preselected (internationally). The bid costs and cost limits of the own company can be entered, so that with each mouse-click the negotiating range is seen, for example. Also the hourly rates that have already been negotiated with panel suppliers can be entered here.
Final costing
After production the actually required times and costs can be compared with the calculation.
The detailed calculations that were processed this way can be integrated into the Knowledge database and updated there centrally.
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